Digitally Modulated Screening (DMS)

DMS digitally modulates every pixel it produces thereby precisely controlling the dots in each separation while its “stochastic rosette” interleaves the screens in the separations to eliminate noise and moiré. In addition, the stochastic rosette maximises the ink-on-paper area and minimizes the amount of ink-on-ink to expand the available color gamut while eliminating color shifts due to misregistration.

The screening analyzes each pixel to ensure that no dot is too small to plate or print yet still not large enough to be visible. The result is a quality of print that was previously unobtainable.

No longer are printers restricted by problems with moiré, misregistration, rosette drift, color shifts, banding, dot gain variation, dot or shadow loss and so on, but are free to do what they do best – meet their print customer expectations with ‘beautiful’ presswork.

Watch our ‘Getting Dotty About Spots’ video below to learn more about DMS:

Auraia DMS for Offset


Auraia DMS perfects screening as it not only achieves the high level of image detail long associated with FM stochastic screening, but also produces ultra-smooth flat tints that are as smooth as (or usually smoother than) AM conventional screening.

Learn about Auraia DMS

Bellissima DMS for Flexo


Bellissima DMS utilizes ground-breaking technology to create a unique product that is most accurately described as a fusion of the best characteristics of AM, FM, and XM screening techniques, whilst avoiding their limitations and problems.

Learn about Bellissima DMS